Local Government Reorganisation


Members Implementation Board


Notes of the remote meeting held on meeting held on Wednesday, 23 February 2022 at 9am.






Derek Bastiman

North Yorkshire County Council

Mark Crane

Selby District Council

Gareth Dadd

North Yorkshire County Council

Angie Dale

Richmondshire District Council

Richard Foster

Craven District Council

Michael Harrison

North Yorkshire County Council

Dinah Keal

Ryedale District Council

Andrew Lee

North Yorkshire County Council

Carl Les (Chair)

North Yorkshire County Council

Don Mackenzie

North Yorkshire County Council

Patrick Mulligan

North Yorkshire County Council

Mark Robson

Hambleton District Council

Janet Sanderson

North Yorkshire County Council

Steve Siddons

Scarborough Borough Council

Graham Swift

Harrogate Borough Council

Gregory White

North Yorkshire County Council





Justine Brooksbank


Stacey Burlet

Ryedale District Council

Stuart Carlton


Tony Clark

Richmondshire District Council

Vanessa Glover


Mike Greene

Scarborough Borough Council

Dr Justin Ives

Hambleton District Council

Barry Khan


Robert Ling


Wallace Sampson

Harrogate Borough Council

Paul Shevlin

Craven District Council

Janet Waggott

Selby District Council

Richard Webb



Apologies were received from County Councillor David Chance and Richard Flinton.


29.  Notes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 26 January 2022


Considered -

Notes of the last meeting of the Board held on Wednesday 26 January 2022.


AGREED that the notes of the last meeting of the Board held on Wednesday 26 January 2022 be approved as a correct record.


30.  LGR Programme Report


Considered -

LGR Programme Report Presentation introduced by Robert Ling.


Robert Ling provided an update on progress made by the 15 core work streams.


Robert highlighted some concern around the Organisational Development Workstream, which was further behind in timescales than others. However, it was fully expected that it would catch up in the next few months.


AGREED that the information be noted


31.    Internal Engagement Strategy/Comms Update


Considered -

Presentation by Vanessa Glover updating members on communications activity.


Significant efforts were under way to ensure all our staff, wherever they work and in whichever organisation, are well informed and engaged as the change programme progresses. Alongside all-staff webinars and the regular updates, which follow Implementation Team meetings, face-to-face roadshows for colleagues who do not routinely access computers, drop-in sessions and smaller organisational development-led focus groups will start soon.


A campaign to help residents understand the importance of the 5 May elections will start following the notice of elections. A leaflet with some key points around the progress towards the new council will be included in all council tax bills across the county.


AGREED that the report providing both an Internal Engagement Strategy and a Communications Update be noted.


32.   Face to Face Access points


Considered -

Presentation from Wallace Sampson and Paul Shevlin on Face to Face Access Points.


Wallace advised that the locality, property and customer workstreams are working closely together so that there are consistent and high-quality customer service options right across our communities. This will include face-to-face options for people who prefer that, alongside an enhanced online offer to acknowledge the increased use of digital during the two years of the pandemic. We will be retaining a main office in each district area, supported by around 30 further access points. Where possible, we will look to co-locate with other services and partners to make things easier for customers, as we already do in a number of sites.   


Having that face to face contact presence in areas across the county gives confidence that vulnerable and disadvantaged people in all our communities will still get the support and advice they needed.


Data was being collected of the volume and nature of customer contacts. For example, call-in and hands offs between reception offices at Hambleton Civic Centre and County Hall Northallerton.


AGREED that the report on Face to Face Access Points be received.


33.   Workshop Output Reports




Considered -

Presentation from Justin Ives providing an update on the Property Workstream.


The workstream aims to make best use of all buildings to support flexible office space and regeneration opportunities. Mapping out and identifying the property and housing portfolios of all eight councils and understanding all relevant factors  -  energy efficiency, maintenance needs, health and safety status, value and so on – is a huge undertaking.  A great deal of data is being collected to ensure that an effective asset strategy can be drawn up.


AGREED that the report on the Property Workstream Update be received.


Organisational Development


Considered -

Presentation from Stacey Burlet providing an update on the work of the Organisational Development Workstream.


The workstream is focussed on some key areas which are important for future success like leadership, health, well-being, resilience and equality, diversity and inclusion. Alongside this, it will be looking at the new organisation’s approach to working styles/ways of working.


It is also focusing on developing tools to support knowledge, skills and confidence throughout the change process such as a manager toolkit, an effective intranet and regular ‘Pulse’ surveys. In addition, we will establish smaller focus groups to involve and engage a broad range of colleagues in detailed discussions and feedback opportunities.


AGREED that the update report on organisational Development be received.


Culture Leisure and Sport


Considered -

Presentation from Richard Webb providing an update on the work of the Culture Leisure and Sport Workstream.


The wider aim of this workstream is to lay the foundations to realise North Yorkshire’s potential as one of the best places for culture, leisure and sport. Work is under way to explore opportunities to maximise external funding into the county (some of which will be available in 2022) and the aim is to achieve this alongside strong collaborative partnerships.


For leisure and sport, it is making sure customers will continue to experience a good, local offer from the start and that communities and partners are well informed. Looking ahead, the aim is to think about how the service might operate in the future to best support wider wellbeing and health outcomes, increase participation and activity levels and make sure the offer is inclusive for everyone. 


AGREED that the update report on the Culture Leisure and Sport Workstream be received.


Regulatory Services & Emergency Planning


Considered -

Presentation from Tony Clark providing an update on the work of the Regulatory Services & Emergency Planning Workstream.


This workstream has a broad remit and includes registrars and bereavement services, harbour and coastal services, community safety, building control, pest control, trading standards and environmental services. It is also looking at licensing and emergency planning. Looking to the future, there is a commitment to build upon the positive work already started across the county - for example, improving community resilience and developing the multiagency nature of community safety hubs.  


In the light of comments regarding Emergency Planning, Cllr Dinah Keal asked that consideration be given to a report being submitted, at some point, to the Board on Flooding preparation and risk.


AGREED that the update report on Regulatory Services & Emergency Planning Workstream be received.


Economic Development


Considered -

Presentation from Mike Greene providing an update on the work of the Economic Development Workstream.


There are ambitious plans for supporting business growth, generating inward investment, firing up the jobs and skills agenda and prioritising regeneration. There is a big focus on ensuring there is an economic strategy for North Yorkshire on day one of the new council to support these goals. This includes a pipeline of regeneration programmes and projects to support high streets and wider communities as well as ensuring there is a single business support function that is visible and accessible locally and further afield.


AGREED that the update report on the Economic Development Workstream be received.




Considered -

Presentation from Justin Ives providing an update on the work of the Housing Workstream.


Managing the workstream’s business had been made less complicated by being able to work through existing officer structures for collaboration on housing matters.


AGREED that the update report on Housing Workstream be received.


34.  Any other Business


The Chair agreed that the following item could be considered as a matter of urgency


35.   Structural Changes Order: Date of Next Meeting


Barry Khan explained that the Draft Structural Changes Order has been before the House of Commons for debate and is now to go before the House of Lords. This will be the final part of the legal process to facilitate the new unitary council. There is no  exact date for this, but it is very likely to be in time for a notice of elections around 17 March, triggering a pre-election period, ahead of the county council elections on 5 May.


The Secretary of State has indicated he is minded to issue a Section 24 notice. This would replace the voluntary spending arrangements already in place across the eight councils. It may mean that decisions on new spend over £100,000 from revenue or above £1,000,000 from capital budgets, would need to be agreed by the new councillors to be elected in May.  


On the basis the working assumption is the process for the Structural Change Order will be concluded sometime around the 17 March, whether the next time members meet is as a (LGR Implementation) Executive or Board depends on the state of play for that Order.


It was suggested that the date of the end of March meeting date be brought forward to the Wednesday 16 March 2022 at 9am and the scheduled meeting in April be cancelled. The key item of business at the next meeting will be the required adoption of an Implementation Forward Plan.


Members had the option of meeting in person or remotely. If the latter - a virtual meeting via Teams - any decisions/recommendations members reach will need to be referred to the North Yorkshire County Chief Executive for him to exercise his emergency delegated decision making powers.


Regardless of the meeting’s status, the intention was to broadcast it. The agenda and papers will be published beforehand, in line with usual access to information requirements, on the county council's website.



a)     The scheduled date of the end of March meeting date be brought forward to the Wednesday 16 March 2022 at 9am.

b)     This meeting be held remotely.

c)      Any decisions/recommendations members reach be referred to the North Yorkshire County Chief Executive for him to exercise his emergency delegated decision making powers.

d)     The meeting be live  broadcast.

e)     The scheduled meeting in April be cancelled.